Detalles del producto

RSA 60-01-576

GEA Westfalia Separator
Centrífugas de discos

El original puede diferir en determinadas circunstancias.

RSA 60-01-576 GEA Westfalia Separator Centrífugas de discos - El original puede diferir en determinadas circunstancias.

Tipo: RSA 60-01-576

Fabricante: GEA Westfalia Separator

Especificación: Centrífugas de discos

Version de bol: Bol de séparation

Évacuation des liquides: Avec double turbine centripète

Châssis et entraînement: Version résistant à la pression

Version de capot et de récepteur de solides: Version hygiénique

Type d’entraînement du bol: Moteur à bride horizontal

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The separator is equipped with a self-cleaning disc-type bowl. The product flows into the bowl through inlet and is separated in disk stack into a light and a heavy liquid phase with simultaneous removal of the solids which collect in the sediment holding space. The light liquid phase flows towards the center and is discharged foam-free and under pressure by centripetal pump through outlet.

The heavy liquid phase flows to the periphery and is discharged under pressure by centripetal pump through outlet.

The separated gums and solids collect in sediment holding space and are instantaneously ejected through ports at pre-set intervals by lowering the sliding piston. Closing water drains via the bowl valve. The ejection cycles are initiated by a control unit. This controller is for each machine within the overhaul rebuilt on the individual process flow of customers and the latest technology (Siemens S7).

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Tus ventajas

  • Más de 60 años de experiencia
  • Recondicionado
  • Nuevo sistema de controladores PLC
  • Calidad de primera clase
  • Banco de pruebas propio
  • Potencial de ahorro de hasta el 70%.
  • Puesta en marcha/conexión de procesos
  • Con garantía
  • Servicio postventa
  • Asesoria independiente del fabricante

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